Curriculum Vitae

08/2016 to present
Northern Kentucky University – Highland Heights, KY.
Responsible for teaching general education courses, e.g., Introduction to Philosophy, Logic, and Ethics, and upper level courses, e.g., Knowledge & Reality, AI & Philosophy of Mind, Information Ethics, Professional Ethics, and History of Philosophy
Department's Faculty Senate Representative (2017-2021)
Department’s Professional Concerns Committee Representative Spring 2022-present
Assisted in Program Assessment and Data Collection
Served as Recruitment Coordinator (2019)
Head Coach for Ethics Bowl Competition (National Competition 2024)
Visiting/Assistant Professor
08/2008 to 05/2016
Loyola University – New Orleans, LA.
Responsible for teaching common curriculum courses, e.g., Philosophy of Human Person, Logic, and Making Moral Decisions, and upper level courses, e.g., Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, and Symbolic Logic
Department's Faculty Senate Representative
Assisted in Program Assessment and Data Collection
Collaborated with colleagues on common curriculum revision
Academic Advisor
Visiting Professor
08/2007 to 05/2008
Marlboro College – Marlboro, VT.
Responsible for teaching common curriculum courses, e.g., Introduction to Philosophy, Logic, and Ethics, and upper level courses, e.g., Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, and Social/Political Theory
Department's Faculty Senate Representative
Directed Student Projects (“The Plan”)
Academic Advisor